So, July 29th marked the 2 year milestone in our lives here in Grenada. We have seen the Mighty Power of God so real and we've also seen the terrible craftiness of Satan so real. Continue praying for the Grenada Mennonite Churches. We've also experienced God's faithfulness in our family and our desire is to continue to follow Jesus wherever he leads!
OBMM granted Marvin and I the privilege of taking in the Missions Training in NYC this past August. We still had vacation days for our family, so we extended our stay in the states and took the whole family. We flew on the same flight with the WATER students to Miami, and then said our good-byes as they went back to SMBI for wrap-up and we flew to Philadelphia. It was a refreshing time for us, but ended hard when we found out Lia (my brother's daughter, 4) was diagnosed with brain cancer. Pray for their family as Lia is taking radiation now and chemotherapy later.

We had a good bit of time with the Lapp's. Here are the 5 little girlies born in 2014....and the Grandparents tried hard to get them all on their laps.
We enjoyed a weekend at a hunting cabin in Tioga Co. with family.
A brunch with the Lapp ladies at Trina's house.
A picnic supper up by the woods at dad's.
Best friends....even though they are 17 years apart with 6 brothers in between.
On our way to NY mission's training week.
August 17th, we were Grenada bound again.
We were blessed to have Elmer Glick and Lester Burkholder here for a week of CLE training before school started.
We took Elmer and Lester's on a picnic to Fort Fredrick one of the last evenings they were here.
September 5, 2016 was the first day of school at the Limes Mennonite School. Our family was ready for school to start. The children enjoy school and we were all ready for the routine of school again.
General assembly/devotions
Mr. Mapson going over all the 'do's' and 'don'ts' for the school year.
Nicki's teacher is Miss Rhonda Stoltzfus.
Conrad's teacher is Mr. Brent Bontrager.
Marvin has been giving work to this man. He is one of the few beggars that is willing to work for payment.
One Saturday, Marvin, our boys, Mr. Brent, Danny, Jamarie & Tiana (Danny's son and niece), went to the beach and brought home close to 40 sea eggs. We ate them raw and they actually tasted pretty good but were a lot of work for a little pile of sea eggs.
God's beautiful creation never ceases to amaze me!!
The newest addition in Grenada, Tessa Mapson...daughter of Sammy and Jana.
A Saturday just recently, we had a joint church picnic. It's usually well attended and very enjoyable.
The rest of the pictures were taken while on a walk through the neighborhood one day.
We live on school lane with our church and school, a preschool right next to us, and then this special ed school at the beginning of the lane.
A public car wash at the beginning of the lane. This is free water for the community.
Some men had just brought back these buckets of crabs and were wrapping them up so people could buy them without getting pinched. $1 US a piece.
This is the home of ........
........Elizabeth and her 4 children, Chris, Melanie, Codel, and Harmony. She makes baskets for a living.
This is Rosie Brubaker with Harmony. Her husband, Jeff, is administrator of OBMM and we enjoyed having them for a visit this past week.
Miss Ann is an inspiration to visit with. She has arthritis in her knee but she doesn't let that keep her from gardening, walking her goat to fresh grass, and Praising the Lord in spite of her pain.
Some people refuse to have their picture taken, and other's ask for it.
And now a few shots of our staff right now. We are so thankful for each one.
Dervin, Lydia, and Rebecca Seibel
Austin Weaver and Brent Bontrager
Rhonda Stoltzfus & Andrea Yoder
And the Marvin Lapp crew!
Thank you for your interest in our lives. We appreciate each of ya'll and covet your prayers!