February stuff
Again, it's not all that we did - but it's easiest to post pictures and write about them. The normal, mundane things don't usually get a lot of special recognition and this month is no exception... So here's at least a peek into some of the more photogenic events of our month. :-)
Our family enjoys 'family time'. We often take a packed meal or buy something and head to a point or beach. This time we did some fishing at "Hallelujah point".
We rejoice with Kenisha as she's made a wonderful decision to live for Jesus, be baptized, and join the Laborie church.
Independence Day is February 7. It was celebrated by making 'oil down' for the 2 schools, having a program in the church, and walking the cross country route.(for the younger children it's about a 2 mile walk/run, and for the older children it's a 3 mile walk/run)
This was the gathering for prayer before the meal.
Eating "oil down".
Josh High had visitors down that helped start this project. This will be a storage/supply room for the school.
So, what happens when Mr. Brent throws this package with this note to the Lapp children?
A fun water battle. I even got some sprinkles as I was washing dishes:)
He had a pack too but ran out before our children. Thanks for playing with our children, Brent!
Happy 5th birthday, Shawn! He wanted to take his cake to our staff picnic on his birthday.
Scott and Yvonne had family visitors here.
Arlen and Sharon had a friend visiting. Also, a board member, Ken Martin, his wife, Lucy, their daughter and son-in-law Doug and Kelsey Stoltzfus, Doug is a brother to teacher Rhonda.
We have some very tame chickens which makes it harder to let them out cause they visit the classrooms any chance they get if we don't watch them close enough.
A supper outing with the Limes staff, deputation couple, Ken & Lucy, and Rhonda's brother, Doug and his wife and little girl, and Rachel Brown.
The starting of the cross country run for the younger division. Conrad came 2nd!
This is a Canadian youth group that came for a week, They stayed in Laborie most of their time here, but did projects around our place one day. They all did an amazing job and we hope some of them will return someday for a longer time:)
The boys' bedroom got a 'face lift'.

We had a week of crusade meetings in Laborie. Pastor Conhi from the Laura church was the speaker and he poured his heart out. We were challenged and encouraged! Thank you, Pastor Conhi, for being willing to be used in this way, since Pastor John was not able to be here. Saturday, we had an afternoon service and then a pot of pilau for everyone. It was just lovely! A special time of fellowship with church and community people.
This was Sunday morning and Bro. Thaddeus led a group in some special singing.
Thanks again for praying for us!
A supper outing with the Limes staff, deputation couple, Ken & Lucy, and Rhonda's brother, Doug and his wife and little girl, and Rachel Brown.
The starting of the cross country run for the younger division. Conrad came 2nd!
This is a Canadian youth group that came for a week, They stayed in Laborie most of their time here, but did projects around our place one day. They all did an amazing job and we hope some of them will return someday for a longer time:)
The boys' bedroom got a 'face lift'.
We had a week of crusade meetings in Laborie. Pastor Conhi from the Laura church was the speaker and he poured his heart out. We were challenged and encouraged! Thank you, Pastor Conhi, for being willing to be used in this way, since Pastor John was not able to be here. Saturday, we had an afternoon service and then a pot of pilau for everyone. It was just lovely! A special time of fellowship with church and community people.
This was Sunday morning and Bro. Thaddeus led a group in some special singing.
Thanks again for praying for us!