Well, this was gonna be a quick update about a week before we came home, but obviously that didn't happen. So, now, hold on as I scroll through our last month in Grenada.
Before our one-week Crusade, we usually have a one-night crusade the Wednesday night before at the spot where the week long crusade takes place. The youth lead us in a time of singing.
Brian Yoder's family came as the Crusade speaker this year. We hosted them and had a lovely time together. The church and community were blessed, encouraged, and challenged throughout the week and we praise God for the leading of His Spirit.
Nicki enjoyed Brian's girls, Elisa and Olivia. She doesn't get 'girl time' very much so this was extra special for her.
"Hurry, mom, take a picture"!
Pastor Marvin leading the children's class one night during crusade.
Some of the Limes School students and teacher's blessing us with some singing.
Ethan and Shawn played and played. They were sporting their new Grenada shirts.
Marvin can't help but get people's hands a little sticky. All it takes is someone a little interested. He loves doing bees!!!
We spent the Monday after crusade touring with Brian's. Annandale Falls was more of a gush than a relaxing waterfall so we had to keep our eyes on the children as they swam.
Euran "Lapp" helping make cookies.
Our church and some community people had a hot dog roast by a beach one holiday afternoon. Like usual, there were more people than hot dogs:)
Our neighbor man, Tanko, needed a drop at the hospital. This is the emergency entrance.
Josh and Judy Neckle came as the OBMM rep. a few days after crusade finished. We had a staff supper while they were here.
Marvin preached in Laura on Father's Day. They had a 'pot luck' dinner planned and we had sweet fellowship.
We staff ladies started a tradition of going out to eat for birthday's. Sharon Krabil's birthday was soon coming and we wanted to do this before I left. The lady on the Left is Josh Neckle's wife, Judy.
While walking around, we got caught in the pouring rain.
Danny playing cricket with the children.
Mom entertaining the children while we packed:)
Conrad found a friend. It's fun to watch the children play with God's wonderful creatures.....as long as they keep them outside:)
I'm lacking for a good comment for this crazy picture.
And then it was time to start packing:) and the final good bye's:(
Our children enjoyed singing for Leroy and Eugie.

My (Jen) mother came June 26 and helped take care of the children as we packed. She's standing beside me. I'm not sure what I would have done without her help. This was the last cottage meeting before we flew on Friday (June 30).
It's tradition for friends to stop by and visit the families that are terminating the night before they leave. Sammy, Dervin, Euran, and Marvin had their last rook game that night.
Euran, we miss you and pray for you! We love you!
Danny, Shawn said, "if my kite breaks, I won't get any more kites"! We miss you and pray for you!
So, Friday June 30, was the day scheduled to fly. We knew it was gonna be quizzing day and wondered how it would all go. The children had fun quizzing and at 12:50, Nicki finished her final quiz, ran to the house, changed, and ................
we left for the airport.
Good bye's aren't fun or easy. We left with such mixed emotions. Thank -you God for the gift of so many opportunities and friends we made and for the church family that we could call 'ours'. We pray for you!
Mom and Dad Lapp welcomed us at the Philly airport early Sat. morning.
Our time in Grenada seems like a dream, yet it seems like we lived there a long time and it was home. Thank you for praying for us. You don't need to stop praying for us! We still look to Jesus as our Rock, Shepherd, and Father and look forward to seeing Him face to face one sweet day.
Our children enjoyed singing for Leroy and Eugie.
My (Jen) mother came June 26 and helped take care of the children as we packed. She's standing beside me. I'm not sure what I would have done without her help. This was the last cottage meeting before we flew on Friday (June 30).
After the cottage meeting, the church had a farewell planned for our family. The food was special, and the fellowship was sweet. Oh how we will pray for our church family in Grenada.
It's tradition for friends to stop by and visit the families that are terminating the night before they leave. Sammy, Dervin, Euran, and Marvin had their last rook game that night.
Euran, we miss you and pray for you! We love you!
Danny, Shawn said, "if my kite breaks, I won't get any more kites"! We miss you and pray for you!
we left for the airport.
There's our plane!
Good bye's aren't fun or easy. We left with such mixed emotions. Thank -you God for the gift of so many opportunities and friends we made and for the church family that we could call 'ours'. We pray for you!
Mom and Dad Lapp welcomed us at the Philly airport early Sat. morning.
Our time in Grenada seems like a dream, yet it seems like we lived there a long time and it was home. Thank you for praying for us. You don't need to stop praying for us! We still look to Jesus as our Rock, Shepherd, and Father and look forward to seeing Him face to face one sweet day.
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